QO-100 VK9QO QRV Information (2022/10/15)
New DXCC Entity VK9QO will be on the Air between 25-31, October 2022.
Operation schedule and QSL Information are as follows:
Location 1: 25 -27 Oct 2022
Cocos (Keeling) Island (VK9C) Local Time=UTC + 6.5hr
12°05’S 96°53’E GL: NH87JT (Az: 274.1 deg Elv: 10.1 deg)
Location 2: 28 – 31 Oct 2022
Christmas Island (VK9X) Local Time=UTC + 7.0hr
10°29’S 105°39’E GL: OH29UN (Az: 271.9 deg Elv: 1.7 deg)
The operator, Mikio JA3GEP, will try to QRV mainly late afternoon and early morning UTC.
He operate split. He will listen 5 kHz or more higher frequencies only.
LoTW and eQSL, as well as paper-QSL, will be handled.
We upload log to LoTW and eQSL to all QSOs as soon as possible.
If you would like to have paper QSL card, please donate to this DX
pedition to cover paper QSL card and postage.
Do not send QSL to BURO. Other QSL method will not be accepted.
Please e-mail your QSO data and postal mail address information after
you donate to Mikio_Mouri as following format.
- QSO Data:
Your callsign
Entity Cocos or Christmas
Date / Time(UTC) - Postal name and postal mail address
- Your email address when you donate
Donate to account same email address (JBH02173 at nifty.com) via Paypal with “Your Callsign
and full name”
This activity is supported by ICOM Inc. and JAMSAT(Japan AMSAT).
QSO with VK9QO is valid for “JAMSAT 50th Anniversary Award 5 points bonus”.
See https://www.jamsat.or.jp/?p=1854
Thank you for your interest.
JA3GEP, Mikio Mouri PM75XA

ピンバック: VK9QO now QRT. Thank you, Mikio | JAMSAT