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[jamsat-bb:6210] Re: 400bps PSK 受信のテスト

At 08:20 00/11/12 +0900, you wrote:
> > まだ、完全には突き止めていませんが、P3T.EXEは1200bpsでしか
> > 動かない
> > ようです。DSP−12の232C スピードを19.2Kにした場合NGでし
> > た。
>ヘルプファイルによると、「Remember!  The value is not selected unless
>it is hightlighted」と、注意点が書かれていますので、間違えやすい点

 >1. Problem: P3t seems only to work with 2400 baud !? I was not able to
 >   switch the baudrate.

If you change the baud rate, you must save the new rate, then open and 
close the serial "connection" by clicking "Off" then "Raw" again in the 
main window.  Or alternately, close and restart the program.

If you have a connection "open" at the time, and change the baud rate, the 
change won't take place until you close the connection and "reopen".  It 
wasn't anticipated that baud rate would be changed very often .. and not 
"on the fly"!

DSP MLからの情報です。

山田 − JR1EDE