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[jamsat-bb:6799] AMSAT-bbから…FM静止衛星

JF6BCC 今石です。

  最近、量が膨大で読むのが少々苦痛に感じる AMSAT-bb ですが、興味を引く

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From:    Jon Ogden
Subject: Geosynchronous Satellites
Date:    2000/12/24 09:40:11

# 訳注。某局が、北米大陸をカバーする静止衛星軌道に、AO-27 規模の多チャ
# ンネル FM レピータ衛星を上げてはどうか、と言う投稿に対して、著者は
# 否定的な可能性の意見を投稿した。それに対していくつか的外れな投稿が
# あったことに対して。

> OK all,

> In response to the reply postings people have made regarding geosynchronous
> birds, I've gotten ripped by many of you who think my responses have been
> too harsh.  So to show that I am reasonable, I will AGAIN post the same
> information that many people have posted time and time again.  We really
> need a FAQ that is sent to each new person on the BB.

ことにしよう。BB の新人たちのためにも FAQ としてまとめる必要があるね。

> OK: Specifically we have a question of a multi-channel FM bird in
> Geosynchronous orbit above the USA.

  USA 上空の静止衛星軌道に複数チャネルの FM 衛星を持つってのはどうなの?。

> Let's break this down into multiple components:
> First the multi-channel FM part:

  箇条書きで説明してみるよ。まずは「複数チャネル FM」についてだ。

> 1.) FM carriers require the FULL power of the satellite while operating.
> Unlike SSB or CW, the duty cycle is 100%.  If a satellite has one 5 Watt
> downlink, then that is doable.  But as soon as you make say 6 downlink
> channels, the power is then up to 30 watts! Assuming an efficiency of 75%,
> the total power consumed by the bird is 40 Watts.   This sort of power
> budget is not available in a bird the size of AO-27.  And with all the
> auxiliary hardware, 75% efficiency is likely high.

  1. FM 搬送波は送信中に大きな出力を要求する。SSB や CW と違って FM の
デューティーサイクルは 100% だ。もし衛星が 5W のダウンリンク出力ならそ
れは可能だ。しかしこれが 6CH だったら 30W の出力だよね。もし送信機の効
率が 75% だと仮定しても 40W もの電力を、衛星は供給しなくちゃならん訳だ。
こんな大電力は AO-27 のようなサイズの衛星には不可能だし、効率 75% なん

> 2.) FM can only capture and retransmit one signal at a time.  In a
> geosynchronous orbit, that FM receiver would capture approximately half the
> earth.  Contrast this to the orbit of UO-14 or AO-27 where the footprint is
> a few thousand miles.  Look at the QRM generated in the bird just during
> that short path.  If you have ever talked on that bird as it moves south,
> then you understand the problem we have with the Mexican cabbies who use our
> frequencies illegally.  A geosynchronous FM bird would suffer from
> continuous QRM all the time.

  2. FM は同時に1つの信号しか中継できない。静止衛星軌道上にある FM 受
空にしかない UO-14 や AO-27 からの可視範囲と比べてみよう。ほんの短い時
間しか見えないそれらの衛星で、どれだけ混信がある?。FM 衛星の経験者な
信になることはわかっているよね。静止衛星軌道の FM 衛星はこれが四六時中

# 訳注:北米大陸はハムバンド内の違法運用は比較的少ないのですが、中米以
# 南では、東南アジアほどではないにしても、違法運用が横行しているようで
# す。

> 3.) FM is not efficient as a mode in terms of propagation.  FM is inherently
> more wide band than SSB or CW.  You may transmit 25 watts on SSB and 25
> watts on FM but the SSB signal will get you farther.  CW will be even
> better.  This is because as you increase the bandwidth your power is spread
> out over a wide range of frequencies.  Hence your power density decreases.
> This is the reason why weak signal and EME types use SSB/CW and not FM.

  3. FM ってのは伝播上有利なモードじゃない。基本的に SSB や CW より広
帯域だ。25W で送信された FM 信号の上に、25W で SSB で送信してみれば、
その SSB 信号は非常に強力だ。CW ならもっと強いだろう。帯域が広くなれば
EME や弱信号通信が SSB や CW を使うのはこれが理由なんだ。

> 4.) FM has a bandwidth of approximately 25 KHz per channel.  The philosophy
> for such a "geosynch" bird would end up meaning that normal dual band
> mobiles would be usable.  After all, the original poster is trying to think
> up of a way for an "easy" bird for "everyone" in the USA only.  If you have
> a 6 channel bird, then the total downlink bandwidth would be a MINIMUM of
> 150 KHz and probably more like 300 KHz since you couldn't stack the channels
> up right next to each other.  According to the ARRL bandplan, the two meter
> OSCAR bands are 144.3 to 144.5 (new) and 145.8 to 146.0  But I don't think
> that the 144.3 to 144.5 part is really used as 144.39 is APRS.  So with
> "traditional" two meter frequencies we have 200  KHz of bandwidth and with
> the entire two sub bands we have 400 KHz.  A geosynchronous FM bird would
> take up almost all the OSCAR band in two meters rendering it useless for
> other birds.

  4. FM は1チャネルあたりだいたい 25KHz を占有する。「静止 FM 衛星」
の存在意義はデュアルバンド FM 機で利用できるってところにあるよね。最
初に投稿した人の考えも、やはり、USA 内なら誰でも「簡単に」使える衛星
を、ってところにあると思う。さて、6チャネルの FM 衛星を仮定すると、
ダウンリンクには最低 150KHz の、実際には近接周波数の干渉を防ぐために
は 300KHz 位の幅が必要だ。ARRL のバンドプランでは、2m 帯の衛星通信用
周波数は 144.3〜5 と 145.8〜146.0 にあるけど、144.3〜5 の部分は 144.39
の ARPS などを除いてあまり使われていないだろうね。昔からある 200KHz
と新しい 200KHz を加えてて、使えるのは 400KHz、ってことは、静止 FM

> OK, now onto geosynch:


> 1.) A geo-synch bird is usable by only one half of the earth.  Those not in
> the footprint would not get to use the bird.  Part of the reason why we have
> satellites is that it is a multi-national effort.  Many countries
> contribute.  AMSAT-NA does not have the resources to spend money on a bird
> that would be usable to just those in the Western Hemisphere.  Never mind
> the political ramifications of alienating all the other member societies.
> It would be the death of AMSAT-NA to support something like this.

  1. 1つの静止衛星を使えるのは地球の半球だけだ。衛星が視界に無い地
をするためだよね。多くの国で使えなきゃいけない。AMSAT-NA には西半球
でしか使えない衛星を自前で持てるだけの資力はないよ。他の AMSAT メン
AMSAT-NA はおしまいさ。

> 2.) Much more uplink and downlink power are needed with such a bird.  The FM
> LEOs work well because they are at an altitude of a few hundred miles.  A
> geosynch bird is around 23,000 miles.  A BIG, BIG difference - nearly 2
> orders of magnitude.  Considering that the RF field falls of inversely
> proportionally to the distance between two objects, it follows then that two
> orders of magnitude in power will be needed to get the same channel link
> margin.  So if a LEO bird uses an FM power of 5 watts, then approximately
> 500 Watts would be needed to give the same result with a geosynchronous
> bird.  The same goes for the uplink as well.  Some of this could obviously
> be made up with increased antenna gains, but still, it makes the power
> budget unseemly.

  2. こんな(静止)衛星との通信には、もっと大きなパワーが必要になる。
低円軌道の FM 衛星がうまく機能しているのは、ほんの数百マイルの高度
しかないからだ。静止衛星までは 23,000 マイルもある。2桁も違うんだ
よ。電界強度は距離に反比例して弱くなるんだから、今の FM 衛星と同じ
軌道の FM 衛星が 5W 出力だとしたら、静止 FM 衛星は 500W の出力が必

# 訳注:この点については著者より、電界強度の下がり方は逆比例ではな
# く、最終的には 400 倍のパワーが必要だと、補足されています。500W
# ではなく 2KW ってことですね。でもまあ、大電力が必要になると言う
# 文章の本筋には影響はないですけど。

> 3.) Geosynch birds need to have some sort of propulsion system on board to
> keep them in their orbital slots.  Therefore, they are much more
> sophisticated than the "AO-27" type.  You just couldn't do it.

  3. 静止衛星は自分自身をその位置に維持するために、推進剤を搭載しな
くちゃならない。AO-27 のような衛星に比べてはるかに複雑な衛星になる

> 4.) I don't know for sure about this, but it may be hard to get a
> geosynchronous orbital slot.  There are only so many of them and who knows
> if we'd even be able to get one while high $$ paying commercial birds could
> use it.

  4. 詳しく知っている訳じゃないけど、静止衛星軌道に衛星を上げる権利

> 5.) You need a much larger launch vehicle to put a geo-synch bird into
> orbit.  This increases cost.

  5. 静止衛星の打ち上げにはもっと大きな打ち上げロケットが必要さ。

> In the end, I suppose that if a group of hams decided to put their own money
> into an FM geosynchronous bird, they could do so.  However, to put it on
> 2m/70 cm would be nothing but stupid as for the reasons explained above and
> to use the microwave bands would require a massive power budget that would
> be much more wisely put to use in a linear transponder SSB/CW satellite.

  さて最後だ。だれかが有志で自分で費用を出して FM 静止衛星を上げよ
うって言うんだったら、別に反対はしないよ。でも、もしそれを 2m/70cm
とより SSB/CW 用のリニア・トランスポンダにするのが、明らかに賢い選

> There, let's put this one to rest, OK.  No more questions about
> geosynchronous birds.

  これで全部だ。OK、もう FM 静止衛星についての質問はないよね。

> 73 and Merry Christmas,
> Jon
> NA9D
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疑問を解決する訳ではないと思いますが、一見便利そうに思える「FM 静止衛

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Yoshihiro Imaishi 今石良寛 - 福岡県北九州市
JF6BCC, KH2GR (ex. T88J, T88IY, V63BP)
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