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[jamsat-bb:12903] Re: AO-40 K Band 30Jan03

Masaji Tamagawa
16 Tsukahara Kimitsu City Chiba 292-1147, Japan
e-mail: jh1aoy@jamsat.or.jp

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike73@aol.com [mailto:Mike73@aol.com]
Sent: Friday, January 31, 2003 10:02 PM
To: amsat-bb@amsat.org
Cc: jh1aoy@jamsat.or.jp; jean.gabou@wanadoo.fr; patamato@yahoo.it;
K5OE@aol.com; howard@howardlong.com; w4sm@amsat.org; on4aod@on4cp.org
Subject: AO-40 K Band 30Jan03

I was successful in working Jean, F6GBQ in SSB using K band receive on
Thursday. Even though Jean has K Band capability, he had to use S to receive
due to K Band preamp problems.

I found the beacon quite rapidly, but the signal was very weak. Peaking at
S1. I believe it was due to high squint. I started the window at 5 degrees!
The AO-40 K Band horn is -3 dB @ 13 degrees, so I was close to 3 dB
The squint got worse as the pass progressed.

After my contact with Jean, I heard another station calling but was unable
copy the callsign..... I believe we could have worked CW, but I wasn't
prepared. I will be next time. (Jean told me it was DK1KQ. Sorry to not copy
you OM)

It's always a challenge for me to operate K Band because I have to set my
complete system (uplink/downlink) up outside. At least the temperatures have
moderated a bit in VT. Yesterday it was sunny, 20 degrees and moderate wind.

My next window to Europe is Monday 03Feb03 beginning at 1903. The squint is
predicted to be high again. Now if we could just convince the AO-40 command
team to let ALAT move to +3 or +4 I'd be seeing decent squint angles during
the K window....... (I can dream can't I ???)

There is another K Band window, but the footprint covers mostly NA/SA. Since
there aren't any other operational K Band receive systems in the footprint,
usually don't set up. Is anyone other than Jerry, K5OE (and Al, W5LUA)
working on AO-40 K Band in the US??

Mike, N1JEZ
AMSAT #29649
Local Area Coordinator
"A closed mouth gathers no feet."

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