JAMSAT SatTrack V3.1 Orbit Prediction Satellite #36122 : XIWANG-1 Data File : tlex.dat Element Set Number: 999 (Orbit 71255) Element Set Epoch : 13Oct24 17:58:35.259 UTC (0.8 days ago) Orbit Geometry : 1190.32 km x 1201.36 km at 100.311 deg Propagation Model : SGP4 Ground Station : Hiroshima, Japan --- PM64FJ Time Zone : JST (+9.00 h) Date (JST) Time (JST) of Duration Azimuth at Peak Vis Orbit AOS MEL LOS of Pass AOS MEL LOS Elev Tue 15Oct24 01:29:15 01:36:59 01:44:47 00:15:32 38 92 146 14.4 VNN 71268 03:15:35 03:25:17 03:35:08 00:19:33 13 290 200 82.3* VNN 71269 05:04:36 05:11:54 05:19:16 00:14:39 353 303 253 13.4 VVN 71270 11:57:13 12:03:07 12:09:02 00:11:49 90 52 13 7.2 DDD 71274 13:39:41 13:49:14 13:58:51 00:19:11 148 69 351 52.9* DDD 71275 15:28:16 15:37:05 15:46:03 00:17:48 198 264 331 25.1 DDD 71276 Wed 16Oct24 01:12:59 01:19:46 01:26:33 00:13:34 44 90 135 9.3 VNN 71281 02:58:35 03:08:21 03:18:07 00:19:33 16 107 192 76.2* VNN 71282 04:47:14 04:55:11 05:03:17 00:16:03 357 301 243 18.3 VNN 71283 11:42:02 11:46:38 11:51:14 00:09:11 77 48 19 4.1 DDD 71287 13:23:02 13:32:22 13:41:43 00:18:40 140 67 354 39.9 DDD 71288 15:10:45 15:20:01 15:29:21 00:18:36 190 262 335 34.1 DDD 71289 Thu 17Oct24 00:57:13 01:02:28 01:07:48 00:10:34 53 87 122 5.0 VNN 71294 02:41:39 02:51:16 03:00:58 00:19:20 19 101 184 57.2* VNN 71295 04:29:57 04:38:28 04:47:05 00:17:08 0 298 235 24.4 VNN 71296 11:27:35 11:30:08 11:32:46 00:05:11 61 45 28 1.4 DDD 71300 13:06:33 13:15:31 13:24:29 00:17:56 132 65 357 30.3 DDD 71301 14:53:23 15:02:56 15:12:29 00:19:06 182 260 338 45.9* DDD 71302 16:48:23 16:51:58 16:55:36 00:07:13 252 275 297 2.2 DDD 71303 Fri 18Oct24 00:42:33 00:45:06 00:47:44 00:05:11 69 85 101 1.2 NNN 71307 02:24:47 02:34:16 02:43:45 00:18:58 23 100 176 42.4 VNN 71308 04:12:43 04:21:41 04:30:44 00:18:01 3 295 226 32.2 VNN 71309 06:04:05 06:07:08 06:10:21 00:06:16 334 315 294 1.9 DDN 71310 12:50:16 12:58:44 13:07:16 00:16:59 123 62 0 22.9 DDD 71314 14:36:10 14:45:52 14:55:38 00:19:28 174 257 341 61.7* DDD 71315 16:28:54 16:34:36 16:40:26 00:11:31 235 272 310 6.1 DDD 71316 Sat 19Oct24 02:08:00 02:17:07 02:26:19 00:18:18 27 97 168 31.4 VNN 71321 03:55:34 04:04:50 04:14:14 00:18:40 6 293 218 42.6 VNN 71322 05:45:50 05:50:43 05:55:41 00:09:51 342 311 279 4.7 VVN 71323 12:34:09 12:42:01 12:49:58 00:15:49 114 59 4 17.1 DDD 71327 14:19:05 14:28:51 14:38:42 00:19:37 166 255 345 81.6* DDD 71328 16:10:18 16:17:22 16:24:31 00:14:13 222 270 318 10.6 DDD 71329 Sun 20Oct24 01:51:22 02:00:03 02:08:43 00:17:21 31 96 159 23.0 VNN 71334