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[jamsat-bb:15329] AO-51(Echo) message Jul 15

衛星 AO-51(Echo) は絶好調ですね。本日(7/15)の夜21時過ぎの1パスで、
KISS データファイルを 42Kb も受信保存しました。下記はその抜粋です
が、その中に "TX power 1W.PA" のメッセージを新しく見つけました。

435.155MHz, 9600bps, EL 63
JST 21:06-21:21, Jul 15, 2004

fm PACB-1 to TIME-1 ctl UI pid F0
PHT: uptime is 012/08:48:57.  Time is Thu Jul 15 12:18:21 2004
fm PACB-1 to PACBT-1 ctl UI pid F0
TX power 1W.PA

fm PACB-1 to TLMI-1 ctl UI pid F0
fm PACB-1 to TLMS-1 ctl UI pid F0
C0:0D C1:44 C2:76 C3:67 C4:04

fm PACB-1 to BCR-1 ctl UI pid F0
BCR: batv=1288 bati=101 batsense=50 battop=1288 batlow=1288 batstate=0
sav=1240 sai=482.

fm PACB-1 to LSTAT ctl UI pid F0
I P:0x4CE5 o:0 l:26061 f:29464, d:0 st:0 e:01

fm PACB-11 to PBLIST ctl UI pid F0
PB: Empty.

fm PACB-1 to TIME-1 ctl UI pid F0
PHT: uptime is 012/08:49:07.  Time is Thu Jul 15 12:18:31 2004
fm PACB-1 to TLMI-1 ctl UI pid F0
fm PACB-1 to AMSATN-1 ctl UI pid F0
AO-51 is NOT open for general use...
Please upgrade to TlmEcho v1.0.4 from amsat.org, 
fixes TimeStamp Problem...WD0E & KE4AZN

fm PACB-1 to LSTAT ctl UI pid F0
I P:0x4CE5 o:0 l:26061 f:29464, d:0 st:0 e:01

fm PACB-12 to BBSTAT ctl UI pid F0
Open ABCD: 

Name: JE9PEL/1 脇田
Mail: ei7m-wkt@asahi-net.or.jp
URL : http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~ei7m-wkt/
QTH : Yokohama, Japan
Date: Jul 15, 2004
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