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[jamsat-bb:5037] Re3: StenSat他の放出はいまのところ失敗?

JJ1WTK 坂本です

今朝、配信れていた amsat-bbの記事のなかに書いてあるもののうち、
>  2月7日(月)17時35分(JST)のパスでStensatとArtemisのビーコン
> の受信
> を試みました。残念ながら、Stensatのビーコンは受信できませんでしたが、
> Artemisからのビーコンと思われる信号を受信しました。この信号は「ピィッ」
> と
> 聞こえるごく短い可聴音で、10秒程度の間隔で送信されていました。周波数
> は437.1MHz±ドップラーシフト、モードはFMです。



     1) 10秒間隔の短いパルス
     2) 1)よりは長いパルスで、間隔は約1分


Forwarded by JJ1WTK, Kazu Sakamoto <jj1wtk@jamsat.or.jp>
---------------- Original message follows ----------------
>From: James Cutler <jwc@Stanford.EDU>
>To: Tovar <kd6pag@qsl.net.net>
>cc: amsat-bb@AMSAT.Org, hheidt@erols.com
>Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] Picosat heard? [was: "StenSat may be Released This
>  Morning..."]
>Sender: owner-AMSAT-BB@AMSAT.Org
>This morning at 05:40 PST, we attempted to launch picosatellites.
>As many of you have heard, Opal's transmitter has developed a spurious
>audio signal around 2800Hz that is corrupting the downlink.  We are
>unable to decode any packets.  However, it is transmitting.  There
>are two beacons:
>         1) Short pulse every ten seconds.
>         2) Longer pulse approximately every minute.
>Unfortunately, Opal may sound similar to JAK so listen carefully.  Due
>to unknown reasons, Artemis chose to use the same frequency as us.
>Opal appears to be receiving appropriately.  It distinctly attempts to
>respond to connects but we cannot decode them.  So, we are attempting to
>fake Opal's response with our prototype Opal and in doing so, fake out
>our ground station into thinking it is connected.  Thus our prototype
>will provide the acks that our ground station needs.  Preliminary testing
>shows this works, and we're doing more testing now to confirm.
>So, there may be a possibility they launched this morning.  We have
>no way of knowing other than Picosat monitoring.
>Keep your ears open and let us know if you hear anything.  We'll be
>trying/listening again this evening.