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[ariss:91] 宇部短期大学付属中学校(山口県)




1. What is the reason that you wanted to become an astronaut?
2. How long does it take to become an astronaut?
3. How did you feel when you saw the Earth from Space?
4. Have you ever felt homesick?
5. Can you use fire in Space?
6. When you look at the Earth, can you recognize the condition of
environmental pollution?
7. When you come back to Earth, what is the first thing you want to do?
8. Does static electricity occur in Space?
9. What happens if you perspire in Space?
10. Do you have any difficulty with zero- gravity?
11. Is it possible to forecast weather from Space?
12. What is the most inconvenient thing in Space?
13. What is the most horrible thing in Space?
14. Don't you become tired of the food you have to eat in the Space Station?
15. Which do you like better, life in space or life on Earth?
16. What do you do when you have free time?
17. How long do you sleep each day?
18. Can you take a bath in the Space Station?
19. What do you do with the water that you have used?
20. Can you see the Great Wall of China?   How does it look?
21. What is the first thing you thought of when you saw Space from the Space


安田 聖 7M3TJZ