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[jamsat-bb:18586] INVADER にオスカーナンバー CO-77 が付与されました


2014$BG/(B2$B7n(B28$BF|$KBG$A$"$2$i$l8=:_1?MQCf$N(BCubeSat$B7]=Q1R@1!V(BARTSAT1:INVADER$B!W$K!"(B4$B7n(B2$BF|!"%*%9%+!<%J%s%P!<(B Cubesat OSCAR-77 (CO-77) $B$,IUM?$5$l$^$7$?!#(B


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$B"'(BMr. Bill Tynan (W3XO) $B$5$s$+$i$N%a%$%k$G$9!#(B

Professor Kubota-san:

Thank you for your reply.

From what I can determine, the ARTSAT Project, INVADER satellite meets all of the qualifications necessary to receive an OSCAR number.

In accordance with your e-mail response, I will use Cubesat in the designation for this satellite. I therefore designate the ARTSAT Project INVADER satellite, Cubesat OSCAR-77 or CO-77. Thus CO-77 joins the earlier Japanese cubesats such as XI-IX(CO-57), XI-V(CO-58), Cute-I(CO-55), SEEDS-II(CO-66).

Congratulations to you and the entire ARTSAT team for the launch and operation of Amateur Radio satellite, CO-77. May its mission be a successful one.


William (Bill) Tynan, W3XO
AMSAT-NA OSCAR Number Administrator


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