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[ariss:141] 明善高校のスケジュール他





1. Do you have any particular change in your body there in space?
2. How is the constellation seen from space?
3. Do you sense the ISS moving very fast?
4. What was the most moving event after going to space?
5. Does the wind blow if you fan?
6. What is the most exciting experiment you want to do in space?
7. Do you enjoy soda drinks, and how ?
8. Can you see any environmental pollution from space?
9. How do you do with used water?
10. What do you want to talk about with your family when you come back to
11. What is the most comfortable position in the ISS?
12. Do you use eye drops and how do you use them?
13. Is there any air convection inside the ISS?
14. What is the message you want to convey most to the people on earth?
15. What happens if paper is exposed to water there in space?
16. What do you expect for the future space development?
17. What was it like to get out of Earth's atmosphere?
18. How can you detect meteors in space?
19. Does living in space change your ideas on environmental issues ?
20. What was the most surprising thing you've seen which you haven't seen on
21. Can you see any of Earth's natural phenomena from space?
22. What do you think of conflicts on the earth as an astronaut?
23. How do you deal with tiny dust?
24. What are the most impressive artificial things that you can see from
25. Have you had any good experiments which will be available to protect the
26. What do you think is the most important thing to observe while living in
27. Were you a little nervous about changing your lifestyle?
28. What do you do to keep your spirits up there in space?
29. Is it possible to use pens in zero gravity?


 手前味噌ですが、読売新聞社の「読売教育賞」に「入間市児童センター無線 クラブの挑戦 −国内初の国際宇宙ステーションとの交信−」として応募してい たのですが、優秀賞を貰えることになりました。全国版には出ていませんが埼 玉版に受賞記事が出ています。下記のWebでも見られますので、覗いてみて 下さい。  http://www.yomiuri.co.jp/e-japan/saitama/news006.htm

安田 聖 7M3TJZ